A New Adventure!

A couple of days ago, we introduced the puppies to their new, outdoor playpen. They were timid to explore at first but, have now got the idea that they are free to roam and discover their new toys, over 18 square metres!

There’s a play tunnel, which only a fearless few have ventured through as yet; a balancing table which is mesmerising; A cardboard tube to roll over; a raised bed (none have been able to climb onto it so far) and, toys – balls, ropes to muck about with.

They are 4 weeks old now and things are getting more interesting for them, and us, by the day! They can run, wag their tails, bark, bite and play with each other. Play is already rough for some, in keeping with this magnificent breed!

We are seeing their different personalities develop, with a pack order forming even this early. They are eating 4 meals a day, drinking lots of water and, hardly feeding from Mum at all now.

They love to be cuddled and tickled. They like human contact, which is vital from this early stage. We await, with interest, this week’s developments. We have a couple of young girls coming to stay next week who can’t wait to play with these furry friends!