Poppy is really large, finding it harder to lie down and, rise up. She’s still happy, healthy, needing lots of encouragement. She likes to lie in the sun, typical Ridgeback! The sun on her belly will stimulate the puppies. We can feel them kicking which is truly wonderful!
She’s in and out of her whelping box, ripping up papers and ruffling the bedding in preparation for her babies coming over the next few days. We’re keeping a close eye on her temperature since, when it drops below 38 degrees centigrade towards 37, this is a sign that whelping should occur within the next 12 hours. We are excited, ready and organised to help Poppy bring her new babies into the world!
Poppy’s appetite is diminishing, even when tempted with liver, chicken, egg and rice. Her tummy is obviously full, with diminished volume, due to the pregnancy. We have prepared chicken broth to help sustain her when she’s whelping and, to help nourish her immediately post-partum, as she will have tremendous metabolic requirements to produce enough milk to feed all her babies.
Her walks have decreased in length. She’s happy pottering about our large garden and going out for a couple of short walks during the day. She sleeps a lot, which is natural. Rest is a great way to allow the body to do its amazing work without stress.
Next update should be once our babies are here! Watch this space…